You wouldn’t be the first to think you’d entered a corner of South America when visiting this fabulous restaurant. INCA is nestled in the heart of Mayfair, this underground Latin extravaganza provides a fully immersive, South American experience. Starting with the high-end interior design by Novo Design and continuing through the exquisite Latin American food and energetic atmosphere.
The Restaurant has been designed around a centre stage where live performers enhance the atmosphere and interact with diners performing throughout the space. There are a range of performers from singers, dancers, and acrobats all of which are not to be missed. From start to finish you are preview to a South American journey that will have you on the edge of your seat.
The large scale, bold artworks provide a nod to the South American culture and combine a quirky yet modern style throughout. Each artwork is backlit to create warmth and adds to the ambience of the restaurant. The halo lighting also emphasises the brand theme of day to night, just as the Inca’s of Latin America worship Inti (the Sun God), guests to INCA experience a transition in the Restaurant’s usage from day through to night. The artworks also have a sliding scale of colour, some with dark moody backgrounds, and others with multi colour backdrops, again to mimic day to night and the change in colour as the sun sets.
Our artworks and mirrors work harmoniously with the stunning interior design by Novo Design and we are honoured to have worked on such an exciting project.